School budgets to be discussed during Tuesday meetings in Minneapolis, St. Paul

Members of the Minneapolis and St. Paul school boards will both be taking up district budget proposals during their respective meetings on Tuesday.

As reported by 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS, both districts are dealing with budget issues. In addition to districts in the metro, the St. Cloud, Mankato, Rochester and Duluth districts are also seeing shortfalls.

In Minneapolis, the district is facing a budget shortfall of at least $110 million and is considering cutting some programs in addition to more than 200 full-time employees. Their meeting is set for 5:30 p.m., where the board is expected to vote on a resolution with a plan to balance the budget.

RELATED: Minneapolis Public Schools parents launch petition to try and save music program | Minneapolis Public Schools plans cuts for next school year | 200+ full-time positions could be cut, Minneapolis Public Schools working out budget shortfall

Across the river in St. Paul, the Committee of the Board will host a special meeting at 4 p.m. Although there will be a presentation about the budget, members will not be voting on the budget. That vote will take place next Tuesday. Earlier this year, the school board said they are facing a $107.5 million deficit, but a proposal was made for staffing cuts to address it. Last fall, the district was projected to be in the red by more than $150 million.

Check back for updates.

RELATED: SPPS officials considering cuts amid budget shortfall | St. Paul Public Schools plans $1 billion 2024 budget | Board approves $1 billion budget for St. Paul Public Schools | St. Paul School Board votes to approve teacher contracts

Editor’s Note: This article previously stated the St. Paul Public Schools Board would be voting on its budget during Tuesday’s meeting. This story has since been corrected to show the actual vote date.