Minneapolis commits more security resources to East Lake Street cultural district

Lake Street Cultural District safety concerns

On Thursday, the Minneapolis City Council approved $200,000 toward community-based security options for the 26-block stretch of Lake Street, known as the East Lake Street Cultural District, which is home to more than 100 businesses and thousands of residents from five different neighborhoods.

That stretch of East Lake Street runs from Pillsbury Avenue to the west all the way east to Ceder Avenue.   Early Saturday morning, Minneapolis Police said four people were stabbed and injured just three blocks from the Midtown Global Market.

City Councilmember Jason Chavez represents the area and told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS there has been an increase in violent crimes recently, which has businesses and residents feeling “unsafe.”

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“We’ve seen folks being shot and killed. We’ve seen second-degree assaults across the corridor and that’s what we’re trying to target here,” said Chavez. “We’re looking at what can we do with intervention and prevention to address those concerns that residents have.”

Chavez said he would prefer to see more violence interrupters in the area.

“I would love to see more violence interrupters along the corridor, later at night, during specific hours where residents can feel safe along with the businesses,” said Chavez.

David Newhouse told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS he works and enjoys entertainment spots in the East Lake Street Cultural District and would welcome more security.

“I think it’s definitely needed, especially here, because this is where people would like to come and people have events, you know, you’ve got all these theaters and all this entertainment stuff but people don’t feel safe here being out after dark, because they don’t know what’s going to happen,” said Newhouse.

The $200,000 will be appropriated through the Office of Community Safety. That office will make the final decision on how the money is spent.