FalconCam chicks on DNR cam banded, both appear healthy

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has banded the two falcon chicks that have been seen on its livestream for the last several weeks.

On Wednesday, DNR banded two peregrine falcon chicks with silver United States Geological Survey bands and field-readable black and blue bands. The DNR announced both chicks are healthy and have been identified as males. The larger chicks’ band numbers are 1947-56893 and W12, while the smaller one has 1947-56892 and W13. DNR officials explained that the size difference is likely due to the larger chick out-competing his sibling for food.

Courtesy: MDNR

Since they began hatching weeks ago, the peregrine falcon chicks have delighted viewers on the DNR YouTube page, especially after the tragic loss of the eagle’s nest in April of 2023. However, that delight has also come with some heartbreak. The nest originally started with four eggs, one of which did not hatch. A third falcon chick was born on May 23 but only survived around five days before dying on May 28. The two surviving chicks are also the oldest being born on May 21 and May 22. The unhatched egg, as well as an adult feather, were collected Wednesday and will be sent to the Chicago Field Museum for contaminant analysis.

Courtesy: MDNR

MDNR said the chicks will soon develop juvenile plumage in the coming weeks, eventually looking more like their parents. They will become more active, exploring their nest box and its immediate surroundings. When they are strong enough, they may even jump onto the ledge of the box where their parents perch.

To stay up to date on the falcon chicks, you can catch the live stream here.