Dramatic rescue video shows how dangerous Cannon River is in high water

Dramatic rescue video shows how dangerous Cannon River is in high water

Dramatic rescue video shows how dangerous Cannon River is in high water

Newly released video from the Rice County Sheriff’s Department shows just how dangerous the Cannon River near Faribault can be when the water levels are high. 

Nine people, including six children, were rescued off the river last week when their kayaks and canoes got tangled up in debris, causing them to capsize. The videos show just how fast the current was at the time, with debris churning through the water. 

RELATED: First responders warn of hidden debris, fast-moving water on Cannon River

It also shows some of the stranded canoers and kayakers perched perilously on a tree branch while they waited for rescuers. Thankfully everyone was wearing a life jacket and everyone made it off the river safe.

“It was close. There were some bigger logs going by right after the boat arrived, so they were extremely lucky,” said Cpt. Nathan Budin with the Rice County Sheriff’s Department, who helped with the rescue.

“The one thing is that the river never stops,” he said.

The Rice County Sheriff says the Cannon River is even more dangerous now after the weekend rains: the water levels are higher, the current is faster and the area could be getting two more inches of rain on Tuesday.