Information for absentee voting in the presidential primary

Three Democratic presidential candidates have now dropped out of the presidential race, and with sudden changes comes the issue of registering your vote for someone who is no longer running.
If the voter’s absentee ballot has already been accepted, there is no way to vote again, according to a news release from Hennepin County.
For voters who mailed their ballot in recently in Hennepin County, if the county has not received the ballot, they can call Hennepin County (or Minneapolis for Minneapolis voters) and ask to spoil their mail-in ballot. Then they will need to vote in person Monday at their absentee location or Tuesday at their election polling place.
Voters can check their absentee ballot status here. If the ballot is listed as "accepted," it has been counted and the voter cannot change their vote.
Polls are open Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. To find your polling location, click here.