What’s Appening: Update Your iPhone
It’s time to update your iPhone. Apple’s latest software update includes a bunch of really helpful new features. Minnesota Live producer Lauren Andrego shows us a few to take advantage of.
-You need the latest software update, and an iPhone 12 or higher
-Go to “settings” then “face id” to redo the scan
-You’ll scan without a mask on!
-You can also tap “add glasses” and scan your face an additional time.
-Now, your Face ID will recognize your face with a mask or glasses on2. FACETIME WITH WINDOWS AND ANDROID USERS-Friends and family with any smart devices — and a camera — can now join your Facetime calls!
-Start FaceTime and then tap “Create Link”
-When the “Share” pop-up appears, send the link to your recipients via email or text
-All the recipient needs to do is open the link to join!3. USE LIVE TEXT TO COPY TEXT FROM PHOTOS
-You no longer need to type out recipes, instructions, or captions from a photo
-iPhone will now scan your photo from text and type out the words for you
-Open the app where you want the text to appear (email, iMessages, etc.)
-Tap where you want to place the text so the keyboard opens
-Tap “Scan Text,” then position the camera over the text you want to insert.
-Once brackets appear where you want them, tap “insert”4. GET AR WALKING DIRECTIONS IN MAPS
-If you’re walking to your destination, Apple has made it easier than ever to navigate the streets.
-Go to Apple Maps
-Select your destination
-Tap “GO,” then tap the AR cube button on the right side of the map.