Visit these Minnesota sunflower fields this weekend
August and September are typically the best time of year to see sunflowers in Minnesota. In fact, many fields north of the metro are blooming *right now.*
Before you go, make sure to check the sunflower field’s website or Facebook page. Because sunflowers bloom for about 7-10 days, farmers often post daily sunflower updates to ensure you visit at the best time.
Most large sunflower fields are planted in increments, so if you missed out on your local farm’s first bloom — don’t worry! Another round of flowers might bloom soon.
Many fields will let you cut and take home your own flowers (sometimes for as little as $2/stem). Pro tip: If you want to create your own bouquet, make sure to bring your own clippers.
Sunflower fields blooming now:

Waldoch Farm in Lino Lakes: This is one of the largest sunflower fields in the Twin Cities suburbs. For $15, you can explore Joyer Adventure Farm, the sunflower fields, take a hayride and bring home a flower. Follow Waldoch Farm on Facebook.
Treasured Haven Farm in Rush City: This massive, 450-acre family-run farm is about an hour north of the Twin Cities. They’re open until sunset seven days a week, and as of August 14, their fifth and final crop is beginning to bloom. Check this one out soon! Follow Treasured Haven Farm on Facebook.
Green Barn Garden Center in Isanti: I took the 40-minute trek on a weeknight from St. Paul to Isanti and it was SO worth it to walk through the expansive field of blooming flowers. Hidden within the rows of Green Barn Garden Center’s sunflowers are a dozen or so photo opportunities — tractors, sculptures, a piano and other gems! They also host live music and food trucks on most Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Follow Green Barn Garden Center on Facebook.
Fresh Acres Farm in Monticello: Six years ago, a couple quit their corporate jobs to start farming. That’s how Fresh Acres Farm in Monticello got its start! In addition to sunflowers, the farm hosts an annual corn maze and lots of other family-friendly fall activities. Follow Fresh Acres Farm on Facebook.
Sunflower fields blooming soon:
Little Prairie Sunflower Maze in Dundas
Fish Sunflowers in Gibbon
Fish Sunflowers in Andover
Fish Sunflowers in Albert Lea
Editor’s Note: Two photos incorrectly credited to Green Barn Garden Center in the original airing of this segment were taken by S. Jewel Photography. Future airings will be adjusted with the correct attribution.