At Issue: June 5 — law enforcement, public safety talks continue in MN and nationwide

Police departments in Minnesota and nationwide are struggling to attract officers.

A portion of the difficulty in the Twin Cities can be attributed to the murder of George Floyd and other cases of police misconduct that have spurred civil unrest. Rep. Dean Phillips, D-3rd District, hopes to draw more candidates with his Pathways to Policing Act.

St. Paul is now officially on the hunt for a new chief, as St. Paul Police Chief Todd Axtell has retired from service after 33 years with the department.

Several updates have occurred within the ongoing narrative of the murder of George Floyd. The two ex-MPD officers still facing state charges in connection with George Floyd’s death are asking to relocate and delay their trial, and Derek Chauvin faces two additional federal lawsuits, for which the city of Minneapolis hopes to reach a settlement.

Our political analysts join “At Issue” to discuss public safety and gun control issues; Gov. Tim Walz says he is still hopeful for a special legislative session, where Democrats and Republicans have the potential to reach agreements on these issues and more.

Our analysts also weigh in on the challenges to many Democratic candidates in upcoming elections.

And, one weekend after Memorial Day, one local couple mourns the death of their son nearly two decades ago in Iraq.

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