Spotted a bear den? Let the Wisconsin DNR know about it

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WI DNR) is beginning its survey of bear dens in the region and asks anyone who knows where one is located to let them know.

According to the WI DNR, studying bear dens is important to their black bear litter and diet survey, which aims to improve the accuracy of their population models. It also allows the WI DNR to provide important information to make bear management decisions across the state.

A bear den can be spotted by hearing frequent squeaking, humming, or cracking sounds. Visual signs include tracks, scratch marks, broken vegetation, and other signs of bear activity.

If you see a den, the WI DNR asks you to take a photo of it and mark on a GPS where you found it, if possible.

The WI DNR asks that anyone who comes across a den maintain a safe distance of at least 30 yards before trying to mark where the den is.

Den reports can be submitted HERE.