Mild Today and Friday then 72 Consecutive Hours Below Zero from Saturday night into Tuesday.

Meteorologist Jonathan Yuhas
Partly Cloudy in the Twin Cities this afternoon with highs in the mid 30s and Winds from the West-Northwest at 5 to 15 mph. Partly to Mostly Cloudy and becoming Breezy overnight with South Winds at 10 to 15 mph.
Partly Cloudy on Friday, Breezy and Mild with highs near 40 degrees and West Winds at 10 to 15 mph. Mainly Cloudy Friday evening and turning Much Colder after 9 p.m. with lows falling to near 10 degrees by 7 a.m. Saturday with Wind-Chills near -10 Below Saturday morning.
Cold Snap begins on Saturday with 72 consecutive hours of temperatures Below Zero expected Saturday evening through Tuesday so next 2 days is good time to prepare vehicles and homes for extreme Cold.
Partly Cloudy with Flurries and Cold Winds on Saturday with temperatures holding around 10 degrees and afternoon Wind-Chills around -10 Below. Bitter Cold Saturday night with lows by Sunday morning near -8 Below and Wind-Chills Sunday morning near -27 Below.
Bitter Cold on Sunday with Partly Cloudy Skies and Frigid Winds from the West-Northwest Winds at 10 to 15 mph. Temperatures Sunday for highs near -2 Below with afternoon Wind-Chills at -20 Below. Clear and Very Cold Sunday night with lows near -14 Below and Wind-Chills near -35 Below Monday morning. Sunny with Bitter Cold Gusty Winds on Monday and highs near -6 Below with afternoon Wind-Chills near -30 Below. Clear and continued Very Cold Monday night into Tuesday with lows near -12 Below and -30 Below by Tuesday morning.
Sunny Tuesday morning then Increasing Clouds in the afternoon with Light Snow possible late in the evening on Tuesday. Temperatures Tuesday slowly climbing to near Zero with afternoon Wind-Chills near -15 Below. Cloudy with Flurries or Light Snow Tuesday night into Wednesday with temperatures holding steady at Zero and rising to 5 Degrees by 7 a.m. Wednesday with Wind-Chills near -5 Below. Light Snow on Wednesday with some 1″ Snow Accumulations possible and Not as Cold with highs in the low 20s. JONATHAN YUHAS