Winona police announce the end of organized searches into Kingsbury disappearance

A picture of Madeline Kingsbury is seen in Winona on April 5, 2023. (KSTP-TV)
Winona Police Department announced the end of the organized search for missing woman Madeline Kingsbury on Saturday.
Due to the large turnout for searches, police said they were able to cover more ground in a shorter amount of time. Around 1,900 people searched for Kingsbury Friday and 700 searched Saturday, police said.
“We want to thank the community for this overwhelming show of support for Maddi and her family, which brings us that much closer to bringing her home,” the police department said.
“The search for Maddi is not ending and neither is the investigation into her disappearance,” police continued.
As investigators develop new leads, teams of law enforcement will begin targeted searches.
Agents from the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension are remaining on the ground in Winona to help with the investigation, police said. Fillmore and Winona Counties, as well as other partners in public safety, are also standing by to assist at any moment.
“We are not giving up and we want to thank everyone for their continued support for Maddi and her family,” the police department said.