St. Louis County snowplow operators, officials reach agreement on new contract
After six days on strike, an agreement has been made with St. Louis County snowplow operators on a new contract.
The agreement was reached after 15 hours of mediation Sunday.
Teamsters Local 320 Recording Secretary Erik Skoog posted via social media just before 3:45 a.m. Monday that it was an agreement that "both parties can be proud of."
Snowplow operators began picketing at the public works building just outside Duluth last week.
St. Louis County plow operators begin strike

The union had rejected a previous contract, disputing pay, sick time and benefits.
Plow driver strike continues, but mediation set between Teamsters, St. Louis County
According to WDIO-TV, St. Louis County Communications Manager Dana Kazel said the county supervisors plowing in place of the Teamsters had 70 percent of the roads plowed by the time they finished on Saturday.
Union members voted on the new settlement Monday afternoon in Eveleth. The vote passed 133-0.