Public meeting scheduled Monday night on snow plowing in St. Paul

A public meeting will be held Monday night on a hot topic amongst many St. Paul residents – snow plowing in the city.

Last week, crews tried to plow residential roads where snow had built up from previous storms after citizens complained. Since then, the city says they did make progress on residential roads.

However, as of Friday night, some areas were too packed with parked cars for plows to clear.

RELATED: Amid plowing complaints, St. Paul Public Works head hopes next year will be better

In addition, the city’s public works department issued the following statement to 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS Monday morning after receiving reports of several garbage and recycling carts being knocked over and damaged during plowing operations last week:

“St. Paul Public Works is aware that several city garbage and recycling carts were knocked over and damaged during the Snow Emergency plowing operations on Friday, Jan. 20. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused our residents.

We take the residents’ complaints and concerns about this issue very seriously. We are working with our staff to initiate a formal investigation, review all data and take the appropriate actions.

I share residents’ frustration and anger about what happened. We will be working with our staff and immediately investigating this situation,’ said Sean Kershaw, the Director of St. Paul’s Public Works Department.”

City of St. Paul’s Public Works Department

A viewer sent 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS video of two plows striking recycling bins in St. Paul. Click the video player above to see the video.

Courtesy: Randall Prochowitz

Members of the city’s public works staff will join the meeting, which will be held from 6-8 p.m. at the Arlington Hills Community Center, located on the 1200 block of Payne Avenue.

The city remains under a snow emergency until 9 p.m. Monday. You can find additional information on the snow emergency by CLICKING HERE.

CLICK HERE to report a specific address or street with cross streets that still needs plowing to members of the city’s Public Works Department.