Pro-Palestinian group demands state divest from Israel

Pro-Palestinian group demands state divest from Israel

A group of pro-Palestinian protesters say they’ll demand state leaders divest from Israel on Tuesday.

A group of pro-Palestinian protesters say they’ll demand state leaders divest from Israel on Tuesday.

According to group members, they’ll attend a meeting of the State Board of Investment (SBI), which includes Gov. Tim Walz and other elected state leaders.

This is the same group that protested at the University of Minnesota earlier this month. Now, they’re taking their concerns to state leaders again.

Members of the Free Palestine Coalition say they’re calling for state funds — including public pensions and retirement funds — to be divested from banks and other businesses associated with Israel.

The state says it holds more than $116 million worth of investments in Israel, which is a small fraction of its total assets of $129 billion.

At previous meetings, some retirees have joined their demands, while others say divestment is the wrong way to go.

“I join the demand that you the SBI divest these investments involved in the denial of rights in the people of Palestine,” said Sarah Martin, a retired nurse.

“Divestment would move the needle in the wrong direction. Instead, it would give comfort and encouragement to a movement that is fundamentally dedicated to the destruction of Israel,” said Sen. Ron Lats (DFL-St. Louis Park).

Tuesday’s meeting is set for 10 a.m.