Peak, post-peak fall color change happening quickly in Minnesota

A map of fall color in the state as of Thursday, Oct. 21, 2021.[Minnesota Department of Natural Resources]
Peak and post-peak fall color is spreading throughout the state, per the latest update from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
According to the DNR’s fall color finder map, as of Thursday, much of the state is displaying seasonal color change up to 100%, with some areas marked "past peak."
Roughly a week ago, the map reported peak and post-peak fall color in portions of the state was taking place.
Most areas are reporting a mix of orange and red colors.
To update the map each week, state park staff check the trees, wildflowers and grasses in their area.
Those observations are used to create the color-coded map that shows the approximate percentage of fall color that can be seen.
Those interested can sign up for weekly email updates on where to find peak fall color here. You can also find more route directions and details on the fall color drives here.