On joint MLK Day, inauguration, Minnesotans hold civil rights leader’s principles close to heart

Celebrating MLK Day

Hundreds across the Twin Cities are celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day while reflecting on his legacy.

Monday was only the second time in history the presidential inauguration and Martin Luther King Jr. Day have fallen on the same day.

“It’s community, it’s a meal together, it’s music, it’s joyous. We need to be together these days,” Susan Haugh, who celebrated MLK Day, said.

King’s principles took center stage Monday in the Powderhorn community of Minneapolis.

“Being around each other and realizing how important it is, is the number one thing that brought us here today,” Ralee Risenberg said. “Especially on a day like today with the inauguration, which is just breaking our hearts.”

Minnesotans focused on unity, one of King’s founding principles.

“Today, it’s difficult to feel the unity that is required,” said Tiffani Daniels, former managing director of Minnesota Business Coalition for Racial Equity.

King stood for economic justice pushing for equity in wages and the workplace. Daniels joined that fight for equity in the Black community.

“A lot of the same issues that Dr. King was fighting and working to bring awareness to still persist. The wealth gap has grown and the wage gap persists,” Daniels said. “I will continue to do the work of justice and equity because I’m trying to work towards an existence for Black people that we haven’t quite seen yet.”

Those celebrating King pointed to unity as the answer when civil rights and liberties are on the line.

“I do hope that people don’t walk away from his memory and think really intently about the urgency of the work that Dr. King was leading,” Daniels said. “This is something that we have to keep alive and that’s what a legacy is.”