Minnesota marinas prepare for spring flooding

With spring flooding set to begin in Minnesota, Stillwater officials are predicting high water levels on the St. Croix River. The city will start sandbagging and building dikes on Wednesday.

And it’s not just the St. Croix – flooding is predicted on the Mississippi River as well. Near-record levels of rain and snow this winter not only ended the drought, but significantly increased the risk of flooding.

Marinas and yacht clubs on the rivers are racing to get ahead of the high water.

Afton Marina and Yacht Club General Manager Dave Houliston said he’s learned to be prepared for flooding.

“Never not prepare for a flood. There’s just not enough time to get everything done if you’re not well ahead of the curve,” he said.

Meanwhile on the Mississippi, the St. Paul Yacht Club is preparing to launch boats.

“Our seasonable boaters are actually getting their boats ready to go in the water,” said Kristina Cummings, general manager. “Kind of opposite of what you would think. Boats are safer in the water during a flood.”

Marina managers across the state met Tuesday to discuss their flood plans. If you’re curious how your marina will handle the flooding, you should reach out to them directly.