Minnesota Guard deployed to Le Sueur County to help with flooding relief

National Guard helping protection efforts in Waterville

The Minnesota National Guard was deployed to Waterville earlier in the week as the Le Sueur County community is dealing with flooding.

45 soldiers who are from the Twin Cities are helping keep watch over water pumps, and key utility points in the community.

“It’s surreal for sure,” said Lt. Conner Gross. ” We’re here to serve our community.”

Guard members used a boat to drive down city streets that are underwater.

On Wednesday, the Guard helped Tim Smith bring supplies to his house that is surrounded by flood water. “It means the world to us,” said Smith about the Guard members, and other volunteers who have come to help.

“I’ve never seen it this high in my life,” Smith said. Smith said the water has gone down a couple of inches overnight at his home.

He’s thankful for friends who have offered his family a place to stay. “We’re lucky enough to have some friends take us in locally, there are going to give us a spot to stay to get our feet back under us,” Smith said. The community experienced a lot of rain in recent weeks which has sent the Cannon River running high, and also sent flood waters spilling from two lakes in town.

RELATED: Waterville residents brace for more rain as Cannon River rises

“The National Guard are wonderful guys,” said Frank Velishek.

The Guard is manning a pump across the street from his home.

“Hurry up and wait for it to drop,” Velishek said looking at the water that surrounds his home.

The retiree lost a home in Florida to a hurricane and can’t believe he’s fighting Mother Nature again after recent rain. He’s hopeful the town has seen the worst of the flooding. Le Sueur Emergency Management has set up resources to help those impacted by flooding.