Mediation continues as Minneapolis parks strike intensifies, union members disrupt board meeting

Mediation continues as Minneapolis parks strike intensifies, union members disrupt board meeting

Mediation continues as Minneapolis parks strike intensifies, union members disrupt board meeting

Striking Minneapolis parks employees and the park board entered another round of mediation just hours after some union members disrupted a board meeting on Wednesday. 

The disruption went so far the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board was only able to get through a couple of agenda items. At one point though, two board members tried to pass a resolution to approve language LIUNA Local 363 had agreed to, but it didn’t happen. 

RELATED: Minneapolis Park workers reject latest contract offer; strike continues into 3rd week

“People believe in us,” Davion Evans, a striking union member, said Thursday on the picket line.

“We just want a fair contract, and right now we’re at an impasse,” Evans added. 

The two sides have agreed to some terms, including a wage increase, but a handful of items still need to be worked out. 

RELATED: Minneapolis City Council weighs in on park workers strike

Also Thursday, Local 363 dropped off a petition of no confidence at the park board headquarters, writing in part, “… there has been a notable lack of progress in negotiations, raising concerns about the Board’s commitment to effectively managing this crisis.”

The park board is pushing back against claims like this, recently sharing details about the strike, including a dedicated webpage for it. 

“[We’re] committed to bargaining in good faith, settling the strike, and providing wages and contract language that is fair, equitable, and sustainable.”