KSTP/SurveyUSA poll: Minnesotans favor fix to SRO law, oppose sanctuary state bill

KSTP/SurveyUSA poll: Minnesotans favor fix to SRO law, oppose sanctuary state bill

KSTP/SurveyUSA poll: Minnesotans favor fix to SRO law, oppose sanctuary state bill

Although 2024 is not a major budget year for the Minnesota Legislature, lawmakers are still taking up many policy issues this session.

One lingering issue from last year is the school resource officer law that caused many law enforcement agencies to pull officers from schools. The House has since passed a compromise that ends new restrictions on what physical restraints police can use to restrain unruly students.

According to our latest KSTP/SurveyUSA poll, 48% of respondents disagreed with the restrictions imposed last year, while 34% agreed with them. The same poll shows 71% agree with the new bill that removes those restraint restrictions and instead calls for new training guidelines; 15% disagree.

A bill calling for Minnesota to become a “sanctuary state” for undocumented immigrants is opposed by 54% of respondents, while 28% agree with the idea.

Carleton College political analyst Steven Schier says there is broad opposition across the political spectrum.

“Lower education, higher education, independents, suburbanites — all of them do not want the sanctuary state adopted,” Schier said.

Although the sanctuary state bill has been introduced at the Capitol, it has not yet had any hearings, and legislative leaders say it’s unlikely it will pass this year.

View the full survey results below: