Ice forming on lakes but most is still not safe
After a prolonged stretch of above-average temperatures, freezing temps and light snow have made it feel more like winter, even creating some ice on bodies of water.
However, just because a lake has ice doesn’t mean it’s safe to walk on.
Just last week, the Anoka County Sheriff’s Office released body camera video of deputies rescuing two men and a dog that fell through ice. That’s why it’s important to check ice thickness before actually venturing out onto it.
Generally, ice that is less than a few inches thick isn’t safe to be on. It can be safe to walk on for ice fishing as it approaches 4 inches in thickness but won’t be safe for driving until the thickness is much closer to a foot.

While temps over the past few days have been mostly below freezing, a warmer stretch is expected for the rest of the week, and Minnesota’s Weather Authority says the mild pattern could last through the holidays. That will also affect ice formation.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has several ice safety tips and recommendations for anyone thinking about venturing onto the ice. See those by clicking here.