FDA: Infant formula shipment to reach US by mid-July

Abbott, a manufacturer of infant formula. Credit: MGN/ Google Maps
Over 18,000 cans of infant formula could reach the United States by mid-July from Abbott Nutrition in Ireland, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Tuesday.
The FDA says the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is working to get the shipment of Similac Advance 2’-FL Stage 1 to the U.S. as soon as possible.
To ensure the shipment is available to those who need it most, online retail resources will be used, and Abbott will reserve a portion for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) programs.
Information about Minnesota WIC assistance can be found here.
Consumers can monitor sites for Target, Amazon, Walmart and more to buy supplies when they become available.
Tuesday’s announcement highlights the most recent of ongoing efforts to ease the U.S. infant formula shortage.
One week ago, the Associated Press reported the Biden Administration said it will aid in shipping the equivalent of 16 million bottles of formula from Mexico.
RELATED: US importing baby formula from Mexico to ease shortage
FDA infant formula updates are posted here.