Community of Dundas rallies together to save popular ballpark from flooding

Community of Dundas rallies together to save popular ballpark from flooding

Community of Dundas rallies together to save popular ballpark from flooding

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve seen so many people stepping up to help those impacted by the flooding.

RELATED: Volunteers needed for sandbagging in Waterville as city asks residents to limit water use

That’s certainly the case in Rice County, where the community of Dundas worked quickly to save a popular ballpark.  

At Memorial Park, volunteers have been cleaning up all week after the baseball field experienced the worst flooding there in nearly 15 years.

Tate Journell, in his second year with the Dundas Dukes, didn’t want to see anything happen to his home field.

“One day it was fine, then 12 hours later it just covered the field,” Journell said.

Floodwaters started pouring in from the Cannon River last weekend.

“We knew that rushing water is our enemy,” said Mike Ludwig, co-manager of the Dundas Dukes. “Religiously, when we get a lot of rain, I’m always keeping an eye on it because I know when it gets to a certain level, we get in trouble.”

That’s where the community of Dundas really stepped up.

“They kind of saved the field with all these sandbags,” Journell said.

When the initial call for help came in teammates, coaches, parents and neighbors dropped everything.

“It was actually a fun time out here and people are just so helpful and we’re grateful for that,” Ludwig said.

Now that the water has receded, the cleanup begins.

“We’ve been chipping away at it the last few days,” Ludwig said.

For Journell and his teammates, they have a new appreciation for home field advantage.

“They care about the team, so they came out here and they really helped,” Journell said.

“This truly is a community ballpark,” Ludwig said. 

Ludwig says the field will be ready to go in time for their next game.