Community gathers at Vietnam Memorial to honor war heroes who fought for freedom

Community gathers at Vietnam Memorial to honor war heroes who fought for freedom

Community gathers at Vietnam Memorial to honor war heroes who fought for freedom

Dozens of community members gathered at the Minnesota Vietnam Veterans Memorial on Monday to honor the lives of war heroes who died during combat.

While singing every note, the community comes together in harmony to remember those who died fighting for freedom.

“In 1966, I fought in the jungles of Vietnam,” Lanny L. LaBarre, Vietnam War veteran, said.

The Vietnam Memorial Day service is personal for LaBarre.

Every tribute brings back memories of those who fought by his side but never made it home.

“Very emotional. My friends that died were kids. I saw kids coming off the ship that were 19 years old. They called me the old man at 22 years old,” he said. “I miss them all the time.”

The Anoka County Chapter 470 Vietnam Veterans of America organized this memorial.

The names of over 1,100 fallen soldiers are carved into a granite wall and in the hearts of veterans and their loved ones.

“It’s tough to think about the friends that I had that that didn’t make it back and to look at a picture of a young man, who is 18 years old, and that’s the oldest he ever got… that’s a tough one,” Rod Pullis, Vietnam War Veteran, said while holding back tears.

But Pullis had a shoulder to lean on.

Dozens came to show their support for those who served, including his granddaughter.

“I’m so proud of my grandpa. He’s done so much for our country, and he’s my number one supporter,” Teagan Thiesfeld, Pullis’ granddaughter, said. “I love seeing everything that he does.”

With a hand over their hearts, the community took a moment to pause, reflect and say thank you.
“It’s heartwarming,” Wayne Larson, Vietnam War veteran, said. “It’s remembrance of those that gave their lives for our freedom.”