5-year-old boy hurt in wagon ride at Wisconsin apple orchard heads home

5-year-old recovering after orchard accident

A 5-year-old boy from Chippewa Falls, Wis. injured on a tractor-wagon ride in western Wisconsin last week is heading home after being hospitalized.

Gabe Mier’s family watched a helicopter take their son to a Twin Cities hospital after he was injured.

“For hours on end, we just laid there — held his hand and prayed for the best,” said Will Mier, Gabe’s father.

The Mier family went on a school field trip to the apple orchard last Wednesday in Lafayette, Wis.

A tractor pulling the wagon with students, parents and staff tipped over, injuring around two dozen people.

“It’s supposed to be a great family trip with all the classmates; it turned into one of the scariest days of our life,” Will Mier said.

“The tractor made a big turn, we were going down a hill very fast,” said Gabe. “It jackknifed, it flipped over and the seats landed like ‘poof!'”

Gabe was just released from the hospital, where he underwent surgery for a skull fracture. He also had bumps, bruises and scrapes.

“I always called him my miracle baby just because of everything — he continues to prove me correct,” said Angie Mier, Gabe’s mother. “He’s still my miracle baby.”

In a couple of weeks, the family feels Gabe won’t have to wear the big neck brace that he received to help with his injuries. “We are beyond blessed, he is able to play, talk to us, giggle and do all these things we didn’t know if they’d ever happen again,” Angie said.

In the meantime, Gabe’s back to playing with trains and his favorite puppy wrapped in a Brewers/Packers blanket.

“The people who have helped us, prayed for us and been there for us, we are so blessed,” Angie said.

A fundraising page has been set up to assist the family with expenses after the accident, including the air ambulance ride.

Chippewa County Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate the cause of the crash.