‘Do not eat’ advisory issued for deer liver in portion of eastern Wisconsin

[courtesy of viewer Bob Diepenbrock]
The Wisconsin departments of natural resources and health services are warning residents about the presence of contaminants in the liver of deer harvested in a five-mile area in eastern Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin DNR and DHS reported a "do not eat" advisory for the liver of deer hunted in the area that includes Marinette, Peshtigo and surrounding communities after discovering the presence of PFAS.
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, known as PFAS, are a large group of nearly 5,000 different manmade chemicals that are resistant to heat, water and oil and are harmful to human health.
PFAS levels were very low, or not detected, in venison and heart tissue from deer harvested in the area; however, officials said significant PFAS levels were found in deer liver tissue.
"We want to be clear that people should feel comfortable eating venison from deer they’ve harvested near this area," Tami Ryan, DNR wildlife health section chief, said in a statement. "We just advise they do not consume the liver."