Union Depot looking for holiday tree

It might only be July, but Union Depot is already asking people to keep an eye out for a large evergreen tree that is 50 to 70 feet tall tree to use as the 2024 ‘Hub for the Holidays’ tree.

The height of the tree isn’t the only criteria. Tree requirements also include:

  • Located in Ramsey County
  • Must be an evergreen tree
  • Must have overgrown it’s location or have other reason for removal
  • In good condition, no glaring bare spots or broken or missing branches

People can submit a potential tree online, by emailing info@uiondepot.org or by calling 651-202-2700. Emails should include a photo and address of the tree. Submissions for this holiday evergreen are open through Friday, Sept. 20.

For the tree selected, removal or grinding down the stump, will be taken care of for free for the landowner. A service for a tree this large can cost $5,000 or more normally.

The family of the tree owner will also be invited to participate special Union Depot holiday tree lighting ceremony happening on Dec. 7.