Republicans reproductive health bills fail to pass in Minnesota House

Two bills surrounding reproductive health failed to pass in the Minnesota House on Thursday.

HF 24, known as the “Born Alive Rollback” bill authored by Rep. Krista Knudsen (R-Lake Shore), aimed to provide more legal protections for infants born alive after an abortion procedure, according to a spokesperson for Rep. Knudsen.

“Preserving the life and health of newborn babies is not controversial. These infants need protection and care regardless of the circumstances that led to their birth,” said Rep. Knudsen. “This is an opportunity to affirm the value of every life, ensure medical accountability, and uphold the most basic human rights.”

HF 25, which was authored by Rep. Natalie Zeleznikar (R–Fredenberg Township), would have directed taxpayer dollars to “crisis pregnancy centers.”

“Instead of looking forward and trying to pass bills that make people’s lives more affordable, Republicans are looking backward and trying to relitigate old political fights about reproductive freedom, and spread fear and misinformation,” said House DFL Floor Leader Jamie Long. “Let’s be clear: doctors already provide appropriate medical care, and to suggest otherwise is false, offensive, and dangerous. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for pushing easily disproved falsehoods that harm already vulnerable people who face devastating pregnancy complications later in pregnancy.”