Multiple road projects now underway in St. Croix County, bridge inspection underway in Prescott

Credit: MGN/ Tony Magpantay
Drivers in western Wisconsin may encounter one or multiple road projects this week as the construction season begins.
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) has two projects now underway in St. Croix County, as well as an inspection on the Prescott Lift Bridge.
All three endeavors began Monday.
In St. Croix County, crews are working on replacing the eastbound bridges on I-94 at Carr Creek and County NN. The multi-year project is scheduled to be completed in November and will extend the north end of the box culvert at County NN, realign and rebuild the eastbound exit ramp and westbound entrance ramp at the I-94-County B interchange, as well as remove and replace the current east- and westbound I-94 bridges.
WisDOT says eastbound traffic on I-94 will be moved into a temporary roadway in the median at Carr Creek and County NN. Meanwhile, westbound traffic will be moved to the north, and will be on the shoulder. When construction continues, drivers should expect daily, temporary single-lane closures on both projects in both directions.
According to the agency, the project began in 2021, and costs $21.16 million.
Another project that began Monday will be the expansion of WIS 65, in the Village of Roberts. The highway will move from two lanes to four from the I-94 westbound ramp to more than 1,000 feet north of 70th Avenue. There will also be turn lanes, new traffic signals and traffic islands installed at the intersection of 70th Avenue. The park and ride lot will also be modified.
Although WIS 65 will be open during the majority of construction, the roadway north of 70th Avenue will be closed from September to October. A detour utilizing I-94, US 63 and US 12 will be used at that time.
WisDOT says construction is expected to be done in November.
This expansion is expected to cost $6.47 million.
The bridge inspection will cause lane closures between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. from Monday, April 3 through Thursday, April 6. The bridge carries traffic on Highway 10 over the St. Croix River between Wisconsin and Minnesota.