Mother charged after 3 kids exposed to fentanyl, baby formula tests positive for drug

A Minneapolis woman is facing criminal charges after three of her children were exposed to fentanyl, including her twin babies who fed from bottles that tested positive for the drug.

According to a criminal complaint, officers responded to a report of a baby not breathing the night of Jan. 2 at an apartment on the 400 block of Broadway Street Northeast.

EMS took a 2-month-old child to a hospital for treatment. The baby needed two doses of Narcan to be revived and was intubated.

While performing a welfare check on the other children in the home, the other twin infant had difficulty breathing and vomited. The baby was also taken to the hospital and was placed on a Narcan drip.

A third child, age 2, also had fentanyl in his system, the complaint states.

The children’s mother, Anghel Brown, told police she was bottle-feeding her twins when one of them began struggling to breathe. She said she had previously used fentanyl, “but not since her infants were born 2 months ago,” according to the complaint.

Officers field-tested the bottles the babies were feeding from, and the liquid came up positive for fentanyl.

Brown, 25, was charged via warrant with two felony counts and one gross misdemeanor count of child endangerment. She was not in custody as of Wednesday morning.