McLeod County man dies after tractor tips into opposite traffic lane, hits pickup truck

A man is dead after a tractor tipped over into the opposite lane of traffic early Monday morning in McLeod County, according to a Minnesota State Patrol report.
The State Patrol says 72-year-old Gary Vogt of Glencoe died at the scene after the 1996 Peterbilt tractor hit his pickup truck just before 4:15 a.m.
The tractor’s driver, identified as a 53-year-old man from Ellendale, wasn’t hurt.
An investigation shows the Peterbilt was traveling east on Highway 212 at Hamlet Avenue in Glencoe Township when it entered the median, tipped over into the westbound lane and collided with the truck, which was traveling east.
The incident report doesn’t say what caused the Peterbilt to enter the median and tip. However, alcohol was not involved, and the road was dry at the time.
Authorities aren’t expected to provide any more information at this time.