‘Love Stinks’ fundraiser for Barron County Humane Society combines used cat litter, exes

Cookie, a cat up for adoption at Barron County Humane Society. Credit: Barron County Humane Society/PetFinder
The Barron County Humane Society may have something that’s litter-ally made for anyone not feeling the Valentine’s Day spirit this year.
The organization says it is offering a “Love Stinks” fundraiser, which goes through Feb. 16.
Here’s how it works: For every $5 donated, staff members will write your ex’s name on a construction heart and then put it on the bottom of a litterbox and send you a photo. The cats will do their thing, and after that, your ex’s name will then be scooped out with the litter and put in the trash.
If you’d like to participate, you can do so by CLICKING HERE, by mail, in-person, or through the humane society’s fundraiser’s Facebook page, which can be found by CLICKING HERE. You’re asked to send in the name or names you’d like to be put in the litterbox as well as proof of donation to hsbcpets@gmail.com.
CLICK HERE for additional contact information for the shelter.