Law enforcement urges drivers to be smart, safe during traffic increase

(KSTP/Jim O'Connell/File)
As we enter the most-traveled days of the year, state officials are urging Minnesotans to drive safely.
The Office of Traffic Safety with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) says last summer was the deadliest for travelers in the state since 2007, with 179 traffic fatalities reported over the 100-day stretch.
DPS says the days between Memorial Day and Labor Day are considered to be the 100 deadliest days for travel due to the extra traffic, trailers and campers.
State officials remind drivers that getting to a final destination is never guaranteed and speed, distraction, lack of seat belt use, and intoxication play large roles in traffic fatalities.
Law enforcement across the state is currently conducting extra seat belt enforcement through June 5, and planning for extra enforcement to slow down speeding in July. State officials also have an impaired driving crackdown planned for August and previously announced the return of some high-intensity patrols to target dangerous driving.
So far, 124 people have died on Minnesota roads this year, according to DPS preliminary data.