‘EagleCam’ eagle egg hatches

The newly hatched chick in the EagleCam nest (Courtesy: Minnesota DNR).
The egg seen on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources “EagleCam” hatched over the weekend.
Footage from the live EagleCam showed the bald eagle chick in the nest Monday morning.
The eagle family has encountered challenges over the winter months, with one of the eggs breaking and the nest being covered in snow in February.
DNR Spokesperson Lori Naumann released the following statement Monday afternoon:
“The eagle pair laid two eggs (on 2/15 and 2/18). One of the eggs broke on 2/21 and the remaining egg hatched yesterday. This single chick will be well cared-for and is being fiercely protected by both adults. It has already had its first meal this morning. Bald eagle chicks are one of the fastest growing animals on the planet, so tune in to get early shots of (what we think is) the cutest phase of development. In the first several days of life the chick’s neck muscles are not fully developed, so it is difficult for it to hold it’s heavy head up. They are often referred to as ‘bobble-heads’ at this stage.”

This is the 10th anniversary of the DNR EagleCam livestream, which can be viewed here.