DNR confirms zebra mussels in Hennepin County lake

Authorities say zebra mussels have been found in Fish Lake, near Maple Grove.
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) confirmed the finding Tuesday, saying Three Rivers Park District staff initially found an adult zebra mussel on a settlement sampler and reported it. After a diving and wading search of the lake, juvenile and adult zebra mussels were found, the agency says.
State law requires all boaters to clean watercraft, trailers and equipment, drain all water, dispose of unwanted bait in the trash, and dry docks and lifts for 21 days before moving them to another body of water.
To reduce the risk of spreading invasive species, boaters are also encouraged to decontaminate equipment, spray with high-pressure water or very hot water for at least two minutes, and dry watercraft and equipment for at least five days before using in another body of water.
Zebra mussels are known to negatively impact ecosystems in multiple ways, including by filtering out algae that native species need for food.