DNR cam eagles constructing nest near newly installed camera

Courtesy: Thomas Demma
The new Minnesota Eagle Cam has recently been capturing some video of two new birds, but not in the location the Department of Natural Resources was expecting.
After seeing the triumphant return of the eagle cam, watchers waited patiently for the new eagles to make their first appearance on camera, which had been aimed down directly into a nest previously used by the two eagles.
As the days went on, however, the eagles weren’t going to the nest, but they were spotted not too far away.
According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the eagles were seen in another tree not too far away from the nest, building a new one.
The DNR said the eagles building multiple nests is not out of the ordinary.
Eagles often build nests during the breeding season to help occupy and defend their territory, using one nest as their location to lay eggs and rear chicks while the others are “inactive.”
Since the eagles are mostly seen at their new nest territory, the DNR has moved their camera to watch the birds during their construction efforts.
At this time, the DNR is unsure which nest will house the couple’s eggs but will keep the camera pointed in the direction of the new nest as they continue to build.
A live stream of the eagles can be found HERE.