DNR adds more species to record fish program

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources announced changes to its record fish program.
Beginning Friday, anglers can earn catch-and-release records for 18 additional species, beyond the four that are already recognized. The DNR said it is making this change in response to the increasing popularity of catch-and-release fishing and to raise the profile of native fish.
After Friday, the DNR said it will recognize three categories of record fish: historical weight records, catch-and-release documented by photos and certified weight documented by keeping a fish and weighing it on a state-certified scale. Records established prior to the requirement of a state-certified scale will still be recognized as historical records.
Species being added to the catch-and-release category include:
- Blue sucker
- Bigmouth buffalo
- Bowfin
- Brook trout
- Brown trout
- Channel catfish
- Freshwater drum
- Lake trout
- Largemouth bass
- Longnose gar
- Rainbow trout
- Sauger
- Shortnose gar
- Shovelnose sturgeon
- Smallmouth bass
- Smallmouth buffalo
- Tiger muskellunge
- Walleye
The category will continue to include muskellunge, northern pike, lake sturgeon and flathead catfish. The DNR said there will also be a minimum fish length requirement to prevent applications for commonly caught sizes.
Certified weight records will now be available for:
- Black crappie
- Bluegill
- Brown bullhead
- Channel catfish
- Common carp
- Flathead catfish
- Lake trout
- Northern pike
- Smallmouth bass
- Walleye
- Yellow perch
For this category, the fish will need to meet a minimum weight before an angler applies for a record.
Anglers can also apply for certified weight records for yellow bass, as the species has increased in presence and popularity in south-central Minnesota, the DNR said.
More information on new fishing regulations will be available here beginning Friday.