Curbside delivery: New mother has quite a story to tell

An Isanti couple has quite a story to tell about their new baby boy. Instead of delivering at the hospital, Sara and Loren Goldstein had their baby on the side of the road.

The Goldsteins' three other children were all born in the hospital. But their new son Archie showed up in this world at the intersection of Highway 65 and Crosstown Boulevard in Ham Lake on Sunday night.

"I was in labor a total of an hour," Sara Goldstein said. "So he was very ready."

We talked with Sara at the Mother Baby Center at Mercy with Children's Minnesota in Coon Rapids.

Her due date was Thursday, and the original plan was to deliver Archie at the Mother Baby Center at Abbott Northwestern and Children's Minnesota in Minneapolis. 

Sara knew in the car this baby was different. He was early and faster, and when it's time it's time.

So they called 911 and she told Loren to pull over just off the intersection. They were met by Anoka County Sheriff's deputies and an ambulance from Allina Health EMS.

"And I think the most interesting thing is out of all the surprising births it was International Women's Day," Sara said. "And what better day to be empowered on the side of a road, I guess. I don't know it was just the most unbelievable, I'm still in shock."

Archie is in the NICU, but he's doing fine and will be going home next week.

The Goldsteins said they want to thank the deputies and especially paramedic Nichole Bryant and EMT Ben Hall for their help with the delivery.

Sara also said she wants to thank the folks at the Star 95 Carwash in Cambridge who cleaned her van. She says it sparkles like new and you would never know she delivered a baby in the back seat.