CAIR-MN asking for threat against mosque, deemed not credible by MPD, to be investigated as hate crime

Threats made against the Abubakar As-Saddique Islamic Center on Friday have been confirmed by Minneapolis police, but they do not believe the threats have any credibility.

CAIR-MN is now calling on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate the threat as a hate crime.

Minnesota Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MN) said the threat required weekend activities at the Mosque to be canceled and triggered a Minneapolis police investigation into the threats.

The Minneapolis Police Department, on Tuesday, said they were able to verify that threats had been made to the Mosque but said it had no credibility to it.

“We condemn this reported threat targeting a faith community and urge local, state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate the incident as a possible hate crime,” said CAIR-MN Executive Director Jaylani Hussein. “The Muslim community will not be intimidated by threats of violence and will instead continue practicing their faith.”

According to CAIR-MN, there have been more than 40 similar incidents targeting state mosques in the past three years and Friday’s threat marked the 15th incident in 2024.