Brooklyn Center settles with Daunte Wright’s girlfriend for $350K

Alayna Albrecht-Payton, Daunte Wright's girlfriend and passenger on April 11, testifies in the trial of Kimberly Potter on Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021.
Daunte Wright’s girlfriend, who was in the car when he was fatally shot by former officer Kimberly Potter, will get $350,000 to settle her lawsuit against the city.
Monday, the Brooklyn Center City Council approved a resolution to pay Alayna Albrecht-Payton $130,000 to drop all of the claims she made against the city and Potter in her lawsuit, which was filed over the summer. On top of that, she’ll get another $220,000 from the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust.
Albrecht-Payton, who testified in Potter’s trial, claimed in her lawsuit that she was injured in the crash that followed Wright’s shooting. Additionally, she said she suffered emotional distress, including being “diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and major depressive disorder,” the lawsuit states.
It comes seven months after the city agreed to pay $3.25 million to Wright’s family as part of a wrongful death settlement, which also included a permanent memorial for Wright and policy changes within the city’s police department.