5 arrested in underage prostitution sting in Washington County
Five people are facing felony charges following a series of arrests last week in connection with soliciting minors for sex.
During the course of an investigation, the suspects talked to undercover agents posing as minors on various social media platforms, Washington County Sheriff Dan Starry said.
Sheriff Starry added that law enforcement conducted an operation on March 20 in Newport, in which several suspects were arrested as they arrived at an arranged meeting place for an “encounter.”
Sheriff Starry said, “We are dedicated, along with our local law enforcement partners, to combat sex and human trafficking within our communities. We do this by vigorously investigating and charging those who exploit juveniles and adults in Washington County.”
All five suspects were booked into Washington County Jail. Officials say they will be charged in the coming days.
“We continue to appreciate the partnership between the Washington County Sheriff’s Office and the Washington County Attorney’s Office in the fight against human trafficking. Operations such as these protect our most vulnerable citizens and let the community know that this criminal behavior is not tolerated,” said Washington County Attorney Kevin Magnuson.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger of being trafficked, call 911. To report a suspected trafficking situation, call the EMHTTF at 651-430-7825. Victims can get help by calling the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 888-373-7888 or send the text HELP to 233733