Power restored after outage hits swath of Minnesota State Fairgrounds

Power restored after outage hits swath of Minnesota State Fairgrounds

Power restored after outage hits swath of Minnesota State Fairgrounds

Power outages affected several areas of the Minnesota State Fair on Friday afternoon.

Adventure Park, the Dairy Building and other areas south of the Grandstand along Judson Avenue and Liggett Street were without power, fair officials said. Power first went out around 4 p.m., and Xcel Energy crews replaced a fuse to restore electricity around 5:40 p.m.

Two people were on the Skyscraper ride at Adventure Park at the time of the outage and were lowered to safety within five minutes.

“We are working to determine the cause of the outage, which was not immediately clear,” Xcel Energy spokesman Kevin Coss said.

Brittney Arnold, who has worked at the Dairy Building for five years, said the blackout temporarily put the Dairy Goodness Bar — and its delicious ice cream — on hold.

“All of a sudden, all of our lights went out, and right away I was like, ‘Uh oh, that’s not a good sign,'” Arnold recalled. “Right away I went running and we noticed unfortunately all our machines went down, and so unfortunately we cannot serve products.”

The good news is all that milk and ice cream will still be safe to serve once operations fully resume.

“But you know what, the first thing we did was call backups for refrigerators, backup cooler trucks because like I said, number one, food safety is our priority,” Arnold said.

The outage also hit the KSTP building near Chamber Street and Carnes Avenue, interrupting an on-location broadcast of Twin Cities Live.