Metro Transit to double the number of TRIP agents on light rail trains

Metro Transit to double the number of TRIP agents on light rail trains

Metro Transit to double the number of TRIP agents on light rail trains

Metro Transit is doubling down on a plan to improve the rider experience on the light rail.

This week, the agency announced that applications are opening for more Transit Rider Investment Program agents. About two dozen TRIP agents have been on board the light rail for the last 90 days or so, and Metro Transit believes they’re having a real impact.

“It’s time to put that next layer on,” said Leah Palmer, Transit Rider Investment Program Interim Manager.

“It’s just been a lot of positive feedback,” she added.

TRIP agents are not police or even community service officers, but they do things like help you navigate the train, administer first aid, including Narcan, and enforce fares.

“A lot of people are pushing the boundaries, and if they get caught, they’re like, ‘Oh yeah’ and they get with the program. So we really haven’t encountered a lot of situations where we’ve had to call for police backup,” Palmer said.

According to Metro Transit’s Safety and Security Action Plan, crime during quarter one is down roughly 7% compared to this time last year.

“I know we have many challenges we’re still facing,” said Lesley Kandaras, Metro Transit GM. “That additional presence is one tool to really help us address those challenges.”

Kandaras admits Metro Transit is doubling the number of TRIP agents because she believes riders appreciate their presence.

“These trip agents are another layer to help us have additional eyes and ears out on the system,” Kandaras said.

On average, Palmer and her team inspect as many as 600 fares each day.

“It’s just more people, in more places that can serve more customers,” Palmer said.

According to Metro Transit, this could be just the beginning.

“I fully anticipate that we will continue to grow this program,” Kandaras said.

TRIP agents are on the trains between 6 am and 10 am.

Metro Transit says the link to apply online will be live by the end of the week.