MPCA to discuss air pollution concerns in St. Paul Wednesday night

Air Quality Meeting being held Wednesday night in St. Paul

A meeting scheduled between the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and residents is set to take place Wednesday night to discuss ongoing air pollution concerns.

The meeting is expected to touch on improvements following an order last month for Northern Iron and Machine foundry to address lead air violations.

The iron foundry was the focus of a recent state pollution control agency investigation, which left some residents in the Payne-Phalen neighborhood with questions and concerns.

Some of those questions and concerns are expected to be addressed during Wednesday’s meeting at St. Paul’s Eastside YMCA, which will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

The MPCA previously fined the foundry $41,500 in October 2023 for 15 years of air quality violations, which the agency says the foundry never addressed.

RELATED: St. Paul iron foundry has 30 days to address lead, air pollution problems

RELATED: St. Paul foundry Northern Iron fined over $40K for air quality violations