Hennepin County sheriff, grieving mom urge schools to report fentanyl cases

Hennepin County sheriff, grieving mom urge schools to report fentanyl cases

Hennepin County sheriff, grieving mom urge schools to report fentanyl cases

Last week, 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS first reported that an internal security report at South High School in Minneapolis showed at least one case of fentanyl use by a student in a bathroom on Nov. 15.

But Minneapolis police say there is no record of any reported fentanyl use at the school since the beginning of the school year.

We asked Minneapolis Public Schools if South High reported the incident to parents, but the school district did not respond to that question.

Hennepin County Sheriff Dawanna Witt told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS any school, anywhere in the state, should report the use of fentanyl to law enforcement because it should be investigated to find out where the student bought the drug.

“We must work together, whether it’s law enforcement, our school systems, we must all work together to protect our kids,” Witt said.

Witt said law enforcement has the ability to properly handle the dangerous drug and dispose of it properly.

“So, they should be calling law enforcement so that we can make sure that we are safely getting rid of that deadly drug,” added Witt.

Tabbatha Urbanski’s 17-year-old son, Seth Carlson, died of a fentanyl overdose in October. Urbanski said she watched KSTP’s stories regarding fentanyl at South High and echoed the same sentiments as Sheriff Witt.

“As a parent, it made me mad,” said Urbanski. “Because we would want to know those things are going on so that we could talk to our kids about them.”

In an earlier statement, Minneapolis Public Schools acknowledged it’s witnessing the impact of fentanyl and told us they have budgeted for two new drug and alcohol counselors. The district did not answer specific questions about the reporting of fentanyl use at South High, citing privacy concerns for the students.