Edibles, beverages containing THC legal Friday in Minnesota

Edible Marijuana (KSTP).
A new Minnesota law taking effect Friday allows people 21 and older to buy edibles and beverages that contain a limited amount of THC, the ingredient in marijuana that creates a high.
Edibles, like gummies, and beverages can contain up to 5 milligrams of THC per serving and 50 milligrams per package under the law. Five milligrams is about half the standard dose found in recreational marijuana products in other states.
Under the law, new THC products must be derived from legally certified hemp. But, industry experts say 5 milligrams will produce the same effect whether it’s derived from hemp or marijuana.
“0.3% of delta-9 THC might still be enough to get you high,” attorney Jason Tarasek, founder of the Minnesota Cannabis Law firm and a board member of the Minnesota Cannabis Association, told 5 EYEWITNESS NEWS.
RELATED: Minn. leaders clarify hemp-infused food and beverage law, approves THC ingredients
Meanwhile, entrepreneurs like Kyle Marinkovich, the chief executive officer of Northern Diversified Solutions, say customers are eager to get started but cannot share which companies are interested in the new ingredients until the new law and regulations are fully understood.
“As soon as they can get into market, we can produce for them,” Marinkovich said.
Cannabis advocates say they’re surprised the law passed the Minnesota Legislature given Senate Republicans’ opposition to recreational marijuana legalization.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.