Pork Moco Loco recipe with chef Tim McCarthy

Pork Moco Loco recipe with chef Tim McCarthy

Pork Moco Loco recipe with chef Tim McCarthy

Okay, it’s time for a little history lesson. Back in 1949, a group of teenage regulars at Lincoln Grill in Hawaii were looking for a simple and tasty lunch option. The owners came up with a rice bowl, with a meat patty on top and brown gravy, plus an egg. They loved it so much they named it after one of their friends, George Okimoto and thus, Loco Moco was born. In the 74 years since its creation, many versions of the Loco Moco have been made and today, chef Tim McCarty is going to show us his spin on this recipe using pork!

For more pork inspired recipes, check out the National Pork Board’s website right here!

Pork Patties:

  • 2 lb. fresh ground pork 
  • 1/2 cup bread crumb                           
  • 1 egg                                         
  • 1/2 cup diced onions    
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce                               
  • 1 tsp seasoning salt                         
  • 2 tsp cracked black pepper             
  • 2 tbsp butter           


  1. Sauté onions in the butter med high heat until light brown, cool.
  2. Mix all ingredients and make 6 oz patties.
  3. Sauté or grill the pork 160 internal temperature.

Pork Sauce:

  • 2 cups pork shank ramen base            
  • 3 tbsp corn starch slurry 


  1. In a small saucepan over med-high heat get the stock hot and whip in slurry, nice light sauce.

Pineapple salsa:

  • 1 cup diced pineapple       
  • 1/4 cup diced red onion      
  • 1/4 cup diced poblano      
  • 1/4 cup diced red pepper   
  • 1/4 cup sliced green onion  
  • 2 tbsp fresh lime juice                           
  • 2 tbsp honey


Mix all the ingredients and set aside.

Cooked rice of your choice, Pork patty, Pork sauce, Pineapple salsa, Sunny side egg, green onion garnish