Seed Starting

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Before we know it, Minnesotans will be out in the gardens growing flowers and food. Home & Garden Expert, Larry Pfarr, says now is the time to start your seeds indoors. He explains how to be successful starting your seeds.

Why start seeds indoors:

Better selection.

Save money over buying established plants.

Succession crops – the ability to start plants outside of the usual spring season.


  • Read the seed packet labelTiming
  • Don’t start too early read the packet
    • Cool season plant in the garden about May 1
    • Warm season plant in the garden about May 15
  • Sterilize containers if reusing from year-to-year.
    • 1 part bleach to 9 parts water
  • Use seed starting mix
  • Using heat mats
    • Helps with germination on some crops
  • Grow lights
    • Leave on for 16 hours a day
    • Use a timer
    • Keep plants close to the light – You don’t want plants stretching for light
  • Transplant as needed to larger container using potting soil
  • Acclimate to outdoor conditions before planting in the garden

Follow Larry on Facebook for more tips throughout the season.