Dakota Drinks

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The Dakota is one of the most unique events spaces in the Twin Cities. Joining us today is Elle Maeyeart, Dakota’s bar manager with over 20 years of drink designing experience! She enjoys using fresh, natural, and sometimes unexpected ingredients in her cocktails.

Check out the event center for music, dinner, and drinks here!

Try making some of the drinks featured today in your own kitchen:

The Dandelion:

  • Ingredients:
    • 2 oz Tattersall gin
    • 1/2 oz lemon juice
    • 1/2 oz lilac honey
    • 1/2 oz dandelion syrup
  • Stir till combined, then add ice and stir again
  • Strain into a glass and top with several drops of herb oil

The Bourbon Street Smash:

  • Ingredients:
    • 2 oz Border Bourbon,
    • 1 oz Rhubarb Simple syrup
    • 2 oz homemade Sour
    • 3 shredded mint leaves
    • Combine in a shaker over a scoop of ice and shake until slightly foamy. Garnish with candied Rhubarb
  • To make the homemade sour:
    • Simply combine equal parts lemon juice, lime juice and simple syrup.
  • When adding fruit to a simple syrup, reduce the usual amount of sugar by half to adjust for the natural sugars in the fruit.
  • Candied rhubarb –tastes like a rhubarb gummy!

From the Top of Your Head:

  • Ingredients:
    • Raspberry Shrub
    • Revel – Avila Blanco – locally made, similar to tequila
    • Pimm’s #1
    • Cucumber ribbons
    • Tips/notes:
      • Raspberry Shrub
        • Can make with fresh or frozen raspberries. Create fruit-infused simple syrup and then add Balsamic or Apple Cider Vinegar. (Roughly equal parts and adjust for taste.)
        • Shrub will last for weeks. In addition to cocktails, add to soda water for a crisp refreshing non-alcoholic cocktail.