Advice for Graduates

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We are right in the thick of grad party season and that means it’s time for the graduate – and their parents – to figure out the next step. Dan Stoltz, SPIRE President & CEO, has some advice to keep them on track! Just remember: G.R.A.D.S.

G – Go forth and be a Go-Getter and Go- Giver! Now is your time to make an impact! Don’t forget about others as you embark on your life journey. Be positive and courageous and choose the path for you. Take advantage of opportunities that come your way.

R – Role Models. Look for people you admire to help you along the way. Study what successful people do and always be open to meeting new people. Be a role model for others.

A – Appreciation! Live a life of gratitude. You have so many options for further education, and career choices. Don’t forget to stop and smell the roses and appreciate all things in life – the little wins and the big things. Say ‘thank you’ every chance you get.

D – Don’t Give Up! Life can be hard at times, but don’t ever give up. Failure is not fatal. Fall 6 times, get up 7 times. You must fail to succeed, and we all make mistakes – but this is how we learn.

S – Start Dreaming! Remember every day – you get to make choices AND can do anything you put your mind to. Dream big and don’t settle!

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